VIDSY / 2024
AI Inspo Tool
Redesign of an Inspo Library to enable creative leads and strategists to find AI-categorized video inspiration for marketing campaigns. Resulted in a 96% satisfaction rate as well as capacity for team members to generate an additional £133,280 in value.
Sole Product Designer
UX Research
Design, Prototyping
Visual Design
creative meets tech
Vidsy works with renowned brands like Pepsi, L'Oréal, and Google to create high- performing video ads through our creative technology platform. We deliver ads to clients by conceptualizing and shaping a brief which we then send to our network of creators who can apply to a project and create a video which we then tidy up and ship to the client.
Inspiration = alignment & vision
Finding internal and external inspo is a key part of the creative delivery process. It provides client trust & alignment, creator clarity, and helps increase the quality of our creative outputs. The existing solution was a rough proof of concept which demonstrated value, but came with significant drawbacks.
How might we....
leverage AI in the inspiration process to improve quality and increase project throughput?
2024 Project and concept projections
Inspiration makes up:
~25% of Creative Concepts & Brief Writing
30% reduction in inspo time:
→ capacity for ~£249,900 additional value
Monthly Time Cost
~150 hours, equivalent to 1 full-time Creative Lead who generates ~£833,000 in value
Research methods
Google analytics usage, popular search terms, most used filters, etc
Slack channel - Creative leads would use this to ask each other for inspiration. By compiling and categorizing these asks, I was able to categorize and rank different search dimensions
Observational/Shadowing sessions
Survey - understand where people currently went for inspo
Competitor Analysis + Secondary Research
Workshop - identify how should library be curated
SWOT Analysis
“I love [the current library], but it can be a pain to use”
- Creative Lead
What's Working / What's Not
Pros of Old Library
💪 Library is categorized by our frameworks
✨ Self service, explore different categories
💗 Not limited to your own videos
⚡ Browse lots of content quickly
Cons of Old Library
⏳  Slow and effortful curation process
✨ No way to assess quality
⌚ Slow loading & log in issues
😤 Tags and details are incomplete
🔍 Search is clunky and lacks functionality
“It’s amazing that it shows our structures and frameworks”
“I see the same videos over and over”
“I wish it was easier to add videos to the library”
Applying Insights
The research phase generated a series of questions to answer, such as ”how would we curate the library” so that it was both comprehensive, yet well chosen. I started ideating on the feedback, and regularly tested my designs with creative leads and strategists.
To prep for prioritization, I started mocking up some ideas to minimize friction, encourage exploration, and identifying relevant content.
After research and discovery, I wanted to find a way of encouraging discovery of new content, increasing familiarity with Vidsy’s internal structures, and streamlining workflows to present content to clients and creators.
Trending elements to inform and encourage exploration
Adding a trends section could aid in discovery of new ideas for frameworks, visual effects, etc. Nearly all users mentioned appreciating sites like eyecandy, which not only showed content, but also helped find related videos within that category + educated them on visual effects.
Immersive View
Quick Actions
Minimize need to manually request info (e.g. assets) Streamline common workflows
Similar videos
Discovery of new content
Could serve as additional ranking (e.g. most likes, most saves) in future Promotes collaboration & healthy competition
Final Designs
Minimizing upload friction with automatic curation
Curation was a major pain point. I hosted a workshop to determine which videos should be in the library (e.g. all videos, based on internal rating, client selection, etc).
Access & playback that just ✨ works ✨
Users loved hover to play (vs click to play) which I saw in competitor websites.
One click video download + URL copy for easy transfers
UX improvements
No more hunting and manual searching to find the original project; clicking on the title takes a user directly to it’s location in the internal app
As inclusive search was frustrating for users, clicking two filters within a category would now be an OR search -facilitating discovery
The previous library had no brand filter. In the redesign, users can click on the brand logo in order to see all content by that brand (as well as a brand filter)
What does success look like?
Google analytics
Continuing usage of the previous inspo library?
Usability survey
How did their experience change?
Slack channel
Monitor requests to see if they drop or continue. Identify patterns in the channel to see if content or frequency of requests changed.
🙌 Big wins
Survey results (old library vs redesign)
After a few weeks of use, I ran a survey to gather feedback on first impressons, usability, and overall experience.
63% satisfaction → 92% satisfaction
“Occasionally the AI tagging is wrong but I’m still able to find something that works a lot faster than before.”
Overall experience?
74% satisfaction → 96% satisfaction
“I love that I’m able to find content that I’ve never seen before.”
We used a mix of surveys, time tracking, and slack channel monitoring to identify the effectiveness of the inspo tool. Overall, a 16% reduction in time spent on inspo meant that Creative Leads would have time to generate an additional £133,280 in revenue if extrapolated to the rest of the year.
Visits to old library
Users no longer relied upon the old library to find content
Slack channel requests
The creative team needed to ask each other for help less often
Total time spent on inspo
20.1% per concept
Less time on inspiration → freed up time for more creative or challenging tasks.
This project taught me the importance of taking all stakeholders through the design journey as early as possible. This prompted me to create a comprehensive design and approval process to give stakeholders increased visibility as well as an opportunity to be as involved as they wanted.

I also learned how to quantify impact. I found it easy to empathize with users, but it was much harder to translate that into real £££, particularly for internal tools.